Sophie Mars is a performance artist, dance artist, dance movement therapist and movement director. She is interested in participatory, sensory and immersive work exploring collective energy and idiosyncratic movement as new means of viewing and transforming space both physically and ontologically. Always interrogating the role of the body in today’s digital context, she uses virtual-, and augmented reality to explore physical and virtual interstices, creating uncanny, dreamlike worlds  that are both familiar and utterly surreal. All her current work and collaborations are linked to her project ‘Mindful practices for a future body – or how to reprogramme ourselves’, in which she explores and examines new ways of relating to our bodies and environment.


°the future body is a shape shifter
°the future body understands all other bodies as intrinsically linked and parts of their own
°the future body performs ultrasonic rebirth rituals
°the future body transcends
°the future body is an extended body
°the future body transforms
°the future body understands its own agency
°the future body is intuitive
°the future body is resilient
°the future body can heal itself
°the future body is made of light


Ainalaiyn Art Space, July, 2022:



°My studio is a surreal, safe and respectful space for you to learn and explore yourself through movement, using a variety of meditation and movement techniques I have acquired in my dance therapy degree and in courses, workshops and encounters with spiritual guides and teachers across the world.
I believe that we cannot heal through rational thought and my sessions therefore engage with the subconscious part of the brain. For me movement is a key to unlocking our hidden patterns, understanding our dreams and desires and a way to begin the most truthful process of self-understanding. I aim to guide you through your inner worlds and help you feel freer and more at home in your body, enabling integration of your many selves.

Have a look at my Youtube Channel below to try a taster of this method.

Techniques can include:
Mindful Mutations Movement method
reiki healing
breathing and grounding exercises
guided meditation
The sessions always begin with a brief discussion about your current state and end with a brief summary.
These sessions are open to everybody with a particular focus on creatives, and people suffering from emotional imbalances such as depression, anxiety and trauma.
I offer individual sessions + group sessions + online sessions + workshops
°To book a session contact me at

‘Mindful Mutations’ – dance movement therapy sessions

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please enable your webcam for the full experience
When you are ready, click anywhere to begin
Move your head slowly in front of the camera to look around