°My studio is a surreal, safe and respectful space for you to learn and explore yourself through movement, using a variety of meditation and movement techniques I have acquired in my dance therapy degree and in courses, workshops and encounters with spiritual guides and teachers across the world.
I believe that we cannot heal through rational thought and my sessions therefore engage with the subconscious part of the brain. For me movement is a key to unlocking our hidden patterns, understanding our dreams and desires and a way to begin the most truthful process of self-understanding. I aim to guide you through your inner worlds and help you feel freer and more at home in your body, enabling integration of your many selves.
Have a look at my Youtube Channel below to try a taster of this method.
Techniques can include:
Mindful Mutations Movement method
reiki healing
breathing and grounding exercises
guided meditation
The sessions always begin with a brief discussion about your current state and end with a brief summary.
These sessions are open to everybody with a particular focus on creatives, and people suffering from emotional imbalances such as depression, anxiety and trauma.
I offer individual sessions + group sessions + online sessions + workshops
°To book a session contact me at info@sophie-mars.com
‘Mindful Mutations’ – dance movement therapy sessions
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